February 14, 2025

TNN Newspaper

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What You See is What You Get – Do You See a Problem or an Opportunity?

3 min read

Are you facing a difficulty or obstacle? Do you see it as a problem or a challenge? According to a writer, “A problem is something we don’t want to have. A challenge is something we want to overcome.” In the words of Wael Dardour, “The manner in which we categorize situations, whether as problems or challenges, has a profound impact on our approach to them.” Let’s reflect on reframing how you see difficulties or obstacles to make it work for, rather than, against you.

Do you know that what you get out of any situation depends on what you see when you look at it? That is the rationale behind two people encountering the same condition but coming out with different outcomes. How you perceive and interpret a normally undesired situation can be the instrument for you to gain out of your pain or turn your story into glory. A typical example is in the perception of a painful, difficult, possibly frustrating, or regrettable condition as a problem or a challenge. As a writer noted, “A problem is wrong, hard, bad, and lets limiting beliefs into your mind. A challenge is a chance to succeed and grow.” The hard truth is that what is perceived as a problem by one person may be the same scenario another person perceives as an opportunity and talks about, deals with or faces it as perceived. As Derick Turner stated, “A challenge is an opportunity for success and growth. It is not an easy thing, but by approaching an obstacle as a challenge, rather than a problem, we retain the power to act upon it and influence, if not determine, the outcome.”

So, enhance your capacity to reframe what others call or would have called problems as opportunities. Recognize that with such mindset, your body will be set up to explore the situation, disappointment, obstacle, etc, to your advantage. As a writer shared, “Words matter. They are the atoms of your personal and organizational narrative. They have the power to hinder or inspire. It is worth paying attention to them.” Know, as a writer declared, that “A problem has negative consequences. A challenge has the potential to help you find a better version of yourself.” Therefore,  know that by calling what you face a problem, you prepare the ground to see the negatives, struggle with the pains, increase your self-perception as a victim and weaken your capacity to do something to ameliorate the situation. Conversely, be alert that by seeing an undesired situation as a challenge,  you enhance your capacity to grow, turn a bad situation into something helpful, trigger the drive to explore an opportunity for your gain and/or heighten the perception of yourself as empowered and victorious. Next time you meet an obstacle, why not explore it as an opportunity rather than lament over it as a problem?

As you step out, bear in mind Roy Bennett’s note: “When things do not go your way, remember that every challenge — every adversity — contains within it the seeds of opportunity and growth.” Remember, as he said further, that “Challenge and adversity are meant to help you know who you are. Storms hit your weakness, but unlock your true strength.”


Dr. (Engr.) Esang Esitikot is a COREN-registered chemical engineer, an HSE professional, a public affairs analyst, marriage counsellor, youth mentor and volunteer lecturer at the Institute of Health, Safety, Security and Environment, University of Uyo. He works for an international oil company and can be contacted via 08035103559 (Whatsapp only).

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