Lessons from the Life of Idiongo Akpanukoh – Live a Life of Impact
3 min read
“It’s not how much you have but what you do with what you have that makes a difference,” so alluded Lucas Shallua. In Ojingiri Hannah’s words, “Don’t just make money, impact lives positively. Because when you die, somebody else will claim your property but your impact will remain for a very long time.” Let’s reflect on living a life of impact, another lesson from Idiongo Akpanukoh.
Do you know that the impacts you create on people’s lives last longer than you and is a testimony of how effectively you lived? While we pray for longevity and physical blessings, the reality is that your life consists more in the impact you create than the number of years you live or the vastness of your estate. This is obvious from the life of Idiongo. For instance, though I was close to him for barely six months, the impact he created on me is worth years of fruitful relationship and will last beyond my lifetime. He might not have been counted among the financially rich; however, he was certainly among the impactfully rich. He sowed virtues, moved hearts, influenced lives, and watered the seeds of humanity. He invested in emotional bank account and so gained a part of many people’s hearts even in his absence. No wonder Bernard Clive declared, “It’s not just about standing out; it’s about making an indelible mark in the hearts of men by impacting their lives.” In Bruce Mbanzabugabo’s opinion, “Better is the death that impacts many than the life that does not influence anyone.”
So, enhance your capacity to live more impactfully. Recognize that creating a positive impact on others is not necessarily about giving them money, holding a high public office, or having an abundance of physical wealth. If you’re wondering where to start, Germany Kent counselled: “Give back. Find a way to serve in your community by helping in some way to add value, bring joy, and have a positive impact on the lives of others.” As he added, “Do work that matters. Choose to participate in initiatives that will positively impact the world and help make a difference in your community.” Reflect on Adiela Akoo’s thought: “If every person that is able to read, finds and teaches someone that is illiterate or struggling with literacy, imagine what a positive impact you can make in that person’s life, and the entire world!” Be conscious that living a life of impact is not hitch-free. As Ojingiri Hannah said, “Being nice doesn’t stop people from hating you, and the hate shouldn’t stop you from being nice. Don’t listen to the loudest of the hurtful words. Instead, pay attention to the lives you can impact positively.”
As you step out, be determined to live impactfully. Always remember Ikoghene Aashikpelokhai’s words: “We are not measured by the PRESENCE of our IMPACT but rather by the IMPACT of our PRESENCE.” Anywhere you are, let people feel the value of your presence. Don’t forget that if your presence is not impactful, then your absence might not be felt.
Prof. (Engr.) Esang Esitikot is a professor of occupational health and safety, a COREN-registed chemical engineer, a public affairs analyst, marriage counsellor, youth mentor, reviewer for some international research journals and volunteer lecturer at the Institute of Health, Safety, Security and Environment, University of Uyo. He works for an international oil company and can be contacted via 08035103559 (Whatsapp only