February 19, 2025

TNN Newspaper

a commitment to responsible journalism

How C’River Excels Only on Propaganda

4 min read


By Pat Mgbe

Being the concluding part of this article, which hammed on how the state, cross river always excels on propaganda and nothing else, as noticed always been throttled or propelled by their Local government chairpersons’, who has kept on misinforming the public, instead of saying the truth, since Ayade came on board. This time was replayed when the governor celebrated his 53 years on earth, last march, where by almost all who bought space pages newspaper for advertorial went on to misinformed the public on how wonderful Ayade has developed the state which false except one who did not probably because as a Pastor with a difference who remain to belief that lies expresses like fungus and has the face of an empty robust truth; because lacks philosophical debt”.

Hence happy reading this time from those other chairpersons’ pseudo praises that was not had published then, because of limited space. Read on starting here this time, with that of Bakasi Local Government.

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Bakasi Local Government Council –  and I quote “We the Bakasi Local Government council are proud of the lasting legacies you are implementing across our dear Cross River State. We are happy that, you are touching lives, and touched by lives of the people you lead”. This is not true, Ete Bakassi for has not touched anyone, other than added pep-perished grinding hardship, particularly to his civil services force, reason informed the recent embarked carried out strike early last month (Oct.) worst happened to be pensioners, as most have forgotten if anything again,  do exist in government service as payment of gratuity and their monthly pension stipends, because as most remain complaining has been a forgotten issues, because of his kept on committing handballs, always unabated.

Calabar Municipal Government Council – “A lot of people complain about bosses, but we see in you a leader amongst men, a leader with great vision and the spirit of excellence. You have always been so inspiring to us and it is a pleasure and pride to work with you and learn from you”. This case here happened to be also laughable. For how can you have learn from someone, who since he came on board as regards his administration has remained visionless and suffocating? Except probably by spending spree on junketing’s, which most times with some of who worked with him, such by flying with them round the world in the disguised of desperately sorting out for what would bring in developmental prospects to the state, just as recently learnt, flew out with his chairmen alongside with the other of his hand-picked principal stake holders of his law makers, who are of the state house of assembly, early last month (Oct.) to France and have since been aback on premised as usual for sorting for foreign partnership businesses. For me telescopes will usual end on the ribbon because not for real, but for kind of usual international jamboree trips which other than stories or jungle poetry. Quote me, please better have be advising your person to always concentrate to complete one project first and set functional before engaging on a new one, else would be out right balderdash and better have stop taking comfort on propaganda.

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Etung Local Government Council – “You Excellency your administration has brought a new dimension on government on governance in Cross River State, with the introduction of massive industrialization and people centered ideas that are second to none, indeed your a pace setter and your legacies which you are building brick by brick in spite of the learn financial position of the state, will speak for you all”. Could be wanted to say the governor Ben Ayade, was a pace setter for out right also poor governance, but he was not bold enough. And this happened here to be another twisted style of propaganda galore. Tufiakwa and barem barem, fep fep, which latter, if literally translated from the Etung Spoken dialect to English means “lies and no atom of truth, at all”.

Obanliku Local Government Council – “Also on their case, showcased theirs like this, by re-branding the usage BIRTHDAY to mean or dances like this – B-be yourself, I-invite new challenges, R- recall past triumphs, T- trust your instinct, H-  have faith in your abilities, D-desire only the best, A- affirm your strength and Y- you have got what it takes to make a difference.” Kaiyi Obanliku, what a high romantic scintillating style of propaganda. You know it, more so, as you happen also here of course, to be a lady.

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Finally, and not the least, came that this time from Akpabuo Local Government Council – “As partakers and witnesses to the numerous dividends of your re-written history as beneficiaries of your oriented and human leadership traits. We say happy birthday to a great man” not true Ete Akpabuyo, and because of this full blown up and added lies, has equally angered other created God creatures, to also riot, shout and debunked in their various also created sounds on them. Hence, the cat purrs, the cow low, the pig grunt, the bird whistle, the dogs barks, the sheep bleats and the cattle mooii, etc.

*This unedited opinion came from Mgbe, a social commentator based in Cross River State


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