February 9, 2025

TNN Newspaper

a commitment to responsible journalism

Why Women Should Not Go To Heaven!

7 min read


This opinion piece by Pat Mgbe is published unedited


Actually, whenever I do seat down as to examine and reexamine particularly the craz this days, of women about how they go about life in the name of fashion and worst as cross dressers and have pay no etiquette of value again about God who created them, despite with his best architectural skin designs, usually ended up angered, disoriented and begin to ask myself of why all this unbecoming madness going unabated and would say, if this not checked as to have a total control of have flushed out, might likely have keep propelling, comfortably and effortlessly that  be might have pass from one generation and even to that generations yet unborn to emulate, because youths by nature, we do know have photographic minds and are good imitators of the adults, who fail to have show good examples at all times.

The Fight Against Kpofire Business

Read on – Has been observed closely that women wreck less1 of make ups in the name of fashion this time though not all, going about these days with 6// eye lashes that make most appear like tarlons (witch crafts) inclusive even the married ones, all out to deceive senseless men.

Reason why women should not go to heaven.

Increased also of their high rates for promiscuities and out right prostitution, particularly among the younger ones, in our tertiary institutions informed why women should not go to heaven.

Disrespect particularly to no longer abiding to ethos of Pastorial teachings now adays even though when women have been noted as most who worship in churches, inclusive obtained pastor wives, reason also why women should not go to heaven.

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Again most today, has been observed as armed robbers, Swingler’s, and tricked stars, which  was not  the case before now, hence reason recommended again here, why women should not go to heaven.

Igniters of most broken homes, particularly from who are classified as SSS (Single and Still Searching) which case gone sporadic, which has increased youths spread of restiveness among children from such stocks, hence informed why women should not go to heaven.

Also has been discovered women are also most patronizes of marabouts, seers and idol gods worshippers, for all out to charm men and outwit their rivals for their husbands to kowtow to them, reason why further here recommended women why should not go to heaven.

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Again, today are known to be higher sellers or retailers of local gin (a.k.a goro or kaikai) in the popular lingo spreader round most motor parks, kiosk and other crime hide outs for rascals, jacobins and arm robbers nationwide. Also, have been noted to be friends’ lovers to most Indian helm male smokers and women of such cannabis smoker staff, reason why women should not go to heaven. For are also highway car snatchers by posing on the highway in the pretext of thumping for free lifts, only next to be in formats for propelling of high rates of crimes, throttled equally side by side this days gone geometrically and sporadic. This has been reason again why women should not go to heaven.

Again, most are shams female pastors disguised as prophetess, and seen here worst on why should not go to heavens; particularly for playing God.

Women we have also known are high rate smugglers on most contraband goods, such as for fake items for sales, like second wears clothes a.k.a Okrika and for also that of fairly used shoes known also as tukumbo among most today female civil servants who top as teachers. And are been going always scort free because of their gender being considered as weaker vessels, a result of which continued recycles and this do out rightly affect the children after them who they teach besides of its other effects as economic sabotached.

The Fight Against Kpofire Business

Women again are selfish, even to their acclaimed husbands and the general humblic alarge, hence should not be allowed to go to heaven.

Imagine also of case of that, of where by a prominent Nigeria lady, who was married to one of our former head of state, name withheld, learnt travelled out to one of the European nations, sometime to re juvenate her skin through plastic surgery, as to ve look younger, when was to ve celebrated her mere birthday and in the process, she passed away. For imagine also reported at one time, about this their craz for fashion, a lady at one time spent or had paid N37,000 (thirty seven thousand naira) only, for her mere makeup hair product, to have style her hair, but only to later find out the product was fake.

Again, informed here further on the way women should not then dare go to heaven.

Afro Pop Artiste Premieres Music Video, Prayer,

Today it has been observed also that most women if not all, are dubes, extortionist, exploiters, deceivers, confusionist, igniters of fashion  sexual immoralities, untrust worthy, contradictory, light hearted, noisy, pretentious, quarrelsome, timid, untidy, ingrates or should we say are unthankful, pesters or also beggers, spoilers jealous whispers, inventors of evil things, lovers of money, also lovers of pleasure, distractors as cross dressers, haters, stingy, chameleons, naggers sufferers of mouth diarrhea, gasbag, kleptomania sentimental fake and wicked.

With again such piled up gamut’s of aforementioned vices, informed why above all, also why women should not then go to heaven.

The holy Bible has as well said and I quote “it is a foolish waste to spend money on prostitutes” proverb 29 vs 3. In order words on cross dressing or body fixing as a way to enticed or easily corner senseless men effortlessly to ve go bananas after them, should discontinue this year, because men today have also known or begin to see their tricks in white bottles and not in dark as before and have started considering such women as waste or outright prostitutes, for which the holy bible has vindicated further as to have open men eyes.

The Fight Against Kpofire Business

The bottom line, would advise let such vigaros women like this get reform, by beginning to have respect God body designing skills for He remains the perfect achitectorial designer on one’s woman body.

For imagine even the eye lashes elongated syndrome, that has caused most to appear like tylons (witchcraft) since as has been observed bleaching of their skin no longer vogue and what happened also if have to die with such false make ups what would you present to God.

Hence why also informed why women would never go to heaven.

For even when creation, was a woman that tricked a man to sin. Of course, the Adam and Eve saga. Reason women should not then go to heaven.

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Jezebel too did same of what most of our women of today are doing, inclusive the married ones, hence Jezebel we learnt, was never allowed also to go to heaven, instead dogs ate her here on earth.

Imagine also that even great prophets like Elijah who when in his days who had prophesized and prayed there was rain for the first time in three years. He had brought national revival. He equally out run the chariots of the king.

He was happy but then, a message came from the first lady of the lady “I heard what you did on mount camel, I swear to you by my gods, by this time tomorrow, you will be like one of the prophets you killed” Elijah the great man who dared 450 prophets ran from a woman.

If a woman says is going to deal with you run, if you learn to run today you will be alive to fight tomorrow.

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Reason when Jezebel said I am coming for you, Elijah did the right thing. Otio- why women should not have then go to heaven.

And has been noted again even those of them, who claimed to be true worshippers, or have call as born again Christians but while in the church services, you will see them most often than not, whether on their low shoes or high types shouting on top of their voices up Jesus, up Jesus, as if Jesus Christ, is their class mate.

This informed also why here to say women should not go to heaven.

After all and I quote, what the holy Bible again said that “Heaven belongs to the Lord alone, but He gave the earth to the human race” Psalm 115 vs 16. And they should have consoled with this verse.

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Even as the writers is never a misogynist, meaning heaters of women or misogamist, haters of marriages. Being that writer is a man.

So, women can respond to debunk or have counter, if not comfortable by what considered my personal expression of views.

Even then, would still have here to say and vehemently that, women should and never dream to say would dare go to heaven. Sam Sam; except the reframe from their bad practices pointed out.



*Mgbe sent this from Cross River State. He takes responsibility for the contents and grammar.


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